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A yogic kriya that will open your third eye, raise your consciousness, and take you to new spiritual depths.

Trataka is known to improve eyesight and restore proper vision.

How to Practice Trataka - Candle Gazing Meditation

Trataka is the ancient technique of candle gazing - a meditation known to improve eyesight, open the third eye, and increase spiritual awareness.

Listen to a previously recorded Trataka Session guided by Amita Jain:

How to Practice TratakaAmita Jain
00:00 / 42:44

Step by Step Instructions to Practice Trataka by Amita Jain

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Palming is practiced in between each warm up exercise, and between each gazing period.  Palming helps relax the eye muscles and ease tension.  To practice, rub the hands together vigorously to create heat, then close the fingers so there is no gap between and create a cup with the hands, placing them over the eyes.  Be sure to not touch the eyes, only the bones around the eyes.  Try not to allow any light to pass thru the fingers when palming.  

Before you begin Trataka, be familiar with each type of palming technique:

Simple Palming - practice palming and breathe normally

Pressure Palming - when palming, inhale while applying pressure around the eyes, exhale and release pressure

Constant Palming - when palming, apply pressure around the eyes and keep the pressure while inhaling and exhaling.

Note: Never touch the eyes for any reason throughout the entire session.

Warm Up Eye Exercises

Sit in any comfortable meditative position, with hands on the knees.  Keep the spine straight and aliged with the neck and head.  Only move the eyes during the exercises, not the head or neck.  Stay relaxed.

Eyes should remain closed when not practicing the exercise.  When opening the eyes, always start by looking first at the floor then moving your gaze upward in a line to the center.  When closing eyes, move your gaze from center downward in a line to the floor then close.  Always start and end each exercise with eyes at center (looking straight ahead).  Move in a straight line.  You can practice very slowly or at a normal even pace.  Do not do these quickly.  (Do not use the flame during warm up exercises.)

1.  Up-Down Movement.  Move the eyes all the way up, then all the way down. Stretch the eye muscles as much as possible.  10 movements.

Practice Simple Palming for 5 breaths.

2.  Left-Right Movement.  Move the eyes all the way to the left, then all the way to the right.  Stretch the eye muscles as much as possible. 10 movements.

Close eyes.  Practice Simple Palming for 5 breaths.

3.  Diagonal L-R.  Begin at the upper left corner, moving the eyes down to the lower right corner, then back up to the upper left corner.  Stretch the eye muscles as much as possible.  10 movements.  

Practice Pressure Palming for 5 breaths.

4.  Diagonal R-L.  Begin at the upper right corner, moving the eyes down to the lower left corner, then back up to the upper right corner.  Stretch the eye muscles as much as possible.  10 movements.  

Practice Pressure Palming for 5 breaths.

5.  Clockwise.  Begin at center.  Move the eyes up, then to the far right, then to as far down as possible, then to far left, then back up and continue.  Move the eyes in a circular movement without stopping.  10 times.

Practice Constant Pressure Palming for 5 breaths.

6.  Counter-clockwise.  Begin at center.  Move the eyes up, then to the far left then to as far down as possible, then to far right, then back up and continue.  Move the eyes in a circular movement without stopping.  10 times.

Practice Constant Pressure Palming for 5 breaths.

Start Candle Gazing Meditation

Eyes should remain closed when not practicing the gazing exercise.  When opening the eyes, always start by looking first at the floor then moving your gaze slowly upward in a line to the flame.  When closing eyes, move your gaze from flame slowly downward in a line to the floor then close.  While gazing, try to hold steadiness of sight toward the flame without blinking.  This is difficult, but is the essence of the practice and is the part that brings strength to our eyesight.  The eyes may become watery, tears may fall, eyes may burn, or vision may blur while gazing without blinking.  This is natural  and you should allow it without any resistance or thought given to it.  Simpy gaze effortlessly, in a relaxed way, at the flame with all your thoughts and mind on the light.

1.  Flame Gazing. Gaze at the flame, notice it's color, size, shape, and movement.  Continue gazing for 2to 5 minutes.

Practice Simple Palming for 5 deep slow breaths.

2.  Wick Gazing.  Gaze at the wick of the flame.  Notice it's color, size, shape and movement.  Continue gazing for 2 to 5 minutes.

Practice Pressure Palming for 5 deep slow breaths.

3.  Aura Gazing.  Gaze at the aura of the flame light.  Notice it's color, size, shape and movement.  Continue gazing for 2 to 5 minutes.

Practice Constant Pressure Palming for 5 deep slow breaths.

4.  Full Aura Gazing.  Gaze at the aura of the flame light.  Continue to gaze at the aura.  Expand the aura until the whole room is enveloped in the light of the flame.  Expand the aura until you become part of the light of the flame.  Everything becomes part of the light.  There is no more a separation between you and the light.  You are the light.  Practice for 10-20 minutes.

Practice Constant Pressure Palming for 5 deep slow breath

5.  Meditation.  Keep the eyes closed.  Visualize the light of the flame in the center between your eyebrows.  See the light getting brighter, and then feel the light spread through your body.  Feel your whole body enveloped in beautiful white light.  This light brings peace and calmness to your body and mind.  Experience the bliss that overcomes you from internal silence.  Realize that this is your true nature.  Remain in this blissful state of union for as long as you'd like.

Listen to a previously recorded Trataka Session guided by Amita Jain at top of this page.




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