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Writing a Review for Vedic Health

Many people ask us how they can support Vedic Health nonprofit.


One way you can help is by writing a brief review.  There are many people in our community who could greatly benefit from the services we offer.  With your review, not only will Google will make it easier for people to find our organization in a search, but readers will be informed and encouraged to give natural medicine a try.  It’s quick and easy and will go a long way, now and in the future.


How to Write the Review:


A helpful review informs about how your health has improved or benefited in some way.  If you have visited our clinic for an Ayurvedic Consultation in the past, writing about that would be ideal, especially since your feedback will inspire others to do the same.  If you attend yoga classes, you can write about how you feel today since starting yoga.


We have provided a link to read other reviews.  If you need assistance with writing a review or have questions, contact us.  (Your review can be anonymous if you wish.)


Some reviews are selected for our website, printed material, or to be posted on Google.  All reviews are read by our team and are a source of motivation for us.


We want to thank you for taking the time to do this -- it will help us help you and others who need us.

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Thanks for submitting your review! We greatly appreciate it.

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hatha yoga

"Give. Love. Serve."
--Swami Chinmayananda

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Vedic Yoga is part of Vedic Health Inc, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose members  provide information and education in Yoga and Ayurveda, and other holistic and natural health subjects.  Our members are not trained in Western medical diagnosis or treatments, are not physicians, nor licensed health care professionals. No medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment is given.  You should be evaluated by a physician if you are suffering from a disease or symptom. 


This site will remain ad-free.   © 2025 Vedic Yoga.  All rights reserved.   Vedic Health Inc | 15235 Shady Grove Rd, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850 | 240-753-0151

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