Make a Donation - Help in Healing Others
Vedic Health Inc is a volunteer-operated 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit, charitable organization that provides natural healing services through yoga and Ayurveda to those who seek alternatives or adjuncts to the modern health care system. 100% of your donation is tax-deductible, and 100% goes towards supporting the organization so that it can continue to serve and benefit the community. Vedic Health is incredibly grateful for any and all donation amounts.
Payment Options
1. Pay here through Paypal. Click "Donate" above.
2. Pay via credit card in the office or by phone. Call 240-753-0151 to make payment via phone.
3. Send a check to Vedic Health Inc, 50 W. Edmonston Dr, Suite 405, Rockville, MD 20852. Make checks payable to Vedic Health Inc.
4. Use your Flex Spending Account in office or by phone.
5. Make cash payment in person.
​Keep your receipt - your payment is fully tax-deductible under IRS code for 501(c)3.