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   Guided meditation led by Amita Jain   

We do more than stretch.



Reduce stress, relieve chronic pain, increase strength and flexibility, correct poor breathing habits, improve sleep, lose weight, control anger, balance hormones, reverse aging.

Amita Jain is a certified Hatha Yoga Instructor with over 20 years of teaching experience.  Her classes focus on educating students on the yogic way of life to achieve optimal health, well-being and harmony - mentally, physically, and spiritually.

The following classes will be taught throughout the course for all levels:

​Intro to Surya Namaskar Class

Surya Namaskar - Focus Class

Preperatory Asanas Class

The Basic Asanas Class

Balancing Asanas Class

Strengthening Asanas Class

Pranayama and Meditation Class

Advanced Pranayama Class

Kriyas Class 

Yogic Diet Class

Sirsana/Headstand Prep Class

Test Class for entry to Level II


View a complete description of our class practice

real yoga

Yoga breathing and meditation techniques for deep healing, mental balance and connecting with our inner spirit.  The true essence of yoga and secret to  lasting harmony and happiness.

Pranayama &



Practice of all traditional asanas, mostly at intermediate level.
75-min class includes warm-ups, Surya Namaskar, asana, yoga nidra and yoga education. Our most attended and longest running class.

Hatha Yoga:
   All Levels


For beginners. Learn the classical asanas safely and correctly. Includes yoga nidra and pranayama in 60 min.  Master this class and then move to All Levels.

Hatha Yoga:
   Level I


Experienced students practice advanced variations of the basic asanas in this challenging 2-hour class. Instructor approval required to join.

Hatha Yoga:
    Level II


Safe and gentle yoga exercises for those with chronic pain, injury, and fragility.  Improve balance, flexibility, and strength with routines designed for the enrolled students.

Gentle Yoga


Learn how to perform Sun Salutations correctly with proper form. A must before enrolling in any yoga class.

Surya Namaskar: Form and Practice

 authentic yoga

Plant the seeds of yoga while they're young. A practice just for them with techniques that develop steadiness and calm as well as posture, strength, and flexibility. Taught by kids for kids.

Kids Yoga Fitness

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hatha yoga

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--Swami Chinmayananda

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Vedic Yoga is part of Vedic Health Inc, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose members  provide information and education in Yoga and Ayurveda, and other holistic and natural health subjects.  Our members are not trained in Western medical diagnosis or treatments, are not physicians, nor licensed health care professionals. No medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment is given.  You should be evaluated by a physician if you are suffering from a disease or symptom. 


This site will remain ad-free.   © 2025 Vedic Yoga.  All rights reserved.   Vedic Health Inc | 15235 Shady Grove Rd, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850 | 240-753-0151

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